Photographers Specialties

Commonly in photography the men and women behind the camera niche. That is they select an area of preference and become an expert in it. It becomes the focus of their offerings and the subject they photograph the most.

Many new photographers will jump through many specialty areas trying to find the ones that they prefer and enjoy. Sometimes they inherently know and sometimes they are curious to try numerous areas and techniques to discover that perhaps what they thought they’d enjoy really wasn’t what they came to specialize in.

I followed the latter with trying multiple realms of photography in the attempt to find the one to niche in as so many photographers kept pounding that idea into my mind. That to be successful pick one or two specialties to focus on.

If you know me I suck at being told what to do and had to find away to combine multiple areas of interest. I did the same thing in college because picking one pre-planned degree wasn’t interesting or challenging enough for me— so I did two fields, combine two of the degrees with a plethora of independent studies and field research studies that lead to a published peer reviewed journal publication.

Essentially today if asked my specialty area I would say: Documentary style in action, commercial, and portraiture. Together they are fairly broad categories however in most instances for all my clients I use them combined in one session to create the visually compelling images they want or desire personally or for business.

I love this combination, no one session is ever the same and the images are always unique.