I have been at this work for a decade and I have learned a lot. From photo creation, to graphic design, and now I am dipping my feet in the waters of video and authorship. Photography is an evolving field and there is a lot to learn and remember.
There are a lot of battles, there are a lot of both positive and negative feedback, and there can be a lot of copying in the field as well. (I am currently experiencing a lady trying to replicate my work, try to get her photography to look like my style as well as replicating my style of bold graphic graphic design— she is in her second year of business and instead of learning who she is, she has allowed my past client to try to shape her into a second version of me and my business.)
And with that is where this post comes from.
Event Poster created for client last year.
Here is the story:
Back in March I had a falling out with a long term client who spoke wrong and misused my work for their gain. I am not going into a lot of details because the matter is over, as a business I moved on deciding this person no longer served as a positive or necessary client.
Of course with making that decision it is expected that I am to be replaced by this client who has a preference for those new to the field. Little back story this client likes to “give opportunities to those wanting to learn” which is a nice way of saying this client likes to use people for free work. This client gravitates towards those not experienced enough to stand up for themselves and their work. Those willing to bow down because ‘OMG its an incredible opportunity.’ Which it can be until it isn’t.
So the client has predatory vibes and it took me years to see it myself— I wish I had known that when I spent the whole first ten years of my career with them. Live and learn. I feel for this woman who I know is starting out as a business, who you can see a talent but no the refinement of years of work, knowledge, and failure paired with successes.
Today a friend sent me new work she was releasing. Graphic design posters in the equine field. I didn’t start learning graphic design until my 5th year in the field. It is hard enough perfecting one field let alone two at the sametime. Yet here she is and using templates purchased from Graphics River — which cool we all start somewhere and those templates can be a life savior when you are on a deadline that creating some elements from scratch would take far too long, I know I have purchased a few myself. But they give the illusion of a talent as well of years of work in graphic design which is misleading as a business especially if you can’t make the posters without templates. (I have personally used these templates and have have years of knowledge so I use elements as timesaviors as I also know how to create all the elements I have used in templates so for me they are a timesaver but not strictly necessary.)
These are noticeably templates and you know what good for her one day maybe she will make kick ass posters on her own. We all start somewhere and learn and grow. I hope she crushes it. But I can’t help feel my former client is being petty and forcing more on her than she is ready for because of desperation to prove that I am replaceable and anyone could do what I did for him. And that’s my concern that she is being used for him to attempt to prove an arbitrary point— I sincerely hope not but I am more than aware of how this person works.
Trick Riding poster created in March 2021 for this season.
My hope for all photographers and graphic designers is that you are able to fully enjoy this field and the magic you can create. That you can find yourself and not be forced to replicate the work of others. I hope the woman working with my past client is doing it because she loves it and not because telling him no would mean she wouldn’t get to work with trick riders and performers.
Never let anyone, a teacher, a client, or even family try to force you to be a type of creative you are not. Do not let them force you to shoot in one style before you even know you style. Being able to say no and walk away is the most powerful and necessary thing you can do.
Be confident in your goals, go out and crush them. Let me know in the comments if you have ever experienced anything similar. Also a link to the graphic site is embedded above, its a great site if you ever need it.
***Poster’s included above are to show my range of work and have no reflection on events, clients, or performers ***