Why Booking A Professional is Worth It

Everyone loves great photographs, they love the likes, shares, the comments, and the look they can have in print or on their social sites. A great photograph can make connections and move people in ways we do not predict until it happens.

But great photographs are achievable with a limited range in skill and equipment thanks to the camera in everyone pocket… The Cell Phone.

Here is the thing there are a great many cell phone photographs. I have even placed high in international photography competitions with images made on cell phones. They are capable of making amazing, gorgeous images and they do make it affordable to play the do it yourself game.

So why spend a bunch of money on a professional?

Because it is our job to make you look your best and take the stress out of getting amazing shots. Plus there are just some things that no matter how good you are a professional with professional equipment is necessary.

Look I love cell phones but I was astounded when I went on a cruise to Alaska at the fact that no one but me— a professional photographer— brought a real camera. Cell phones are great but they are not built for distance photography, action photography, or low light photography. How were you to photograph the amazing landscapes, the whales, and wildlife with a cell phone? What I learned was they weren’t going to get amazing shots of a bald eagle but they didn’t care. Because bad photographs are also becoming a huge norm.

Some things you just want professional images, that capture everyones best sides, and looks. That can be used for multiple purposes and make you feel amazing looking at them. A professional takes the stress and guess work out of photography. They offer a guaranteed product. And while they may be pricy and not free there is a value to knowing you are getting images you can blow up in a huge print, market you sports team, and share because you look amazing and feel amazing looking at your images.

Professionals exist because we have devoted our lives and years and years of practice to delivering amazing content. Trust me you want to hire a professional for weddings, events, and portrait needs. Our equipment isn’t designed with wide angle lenses that distort the bodies and make you appear larger— cough cells phone do make you larger in photos— and we have professional editing software and spent years developing an eye for capturing the perfect moments.