commercial photohrapher

Book Equestrian Sessions for the Summer and Fall Now

Book Equestrian Sessions for the Summer and Fall Now

Equestrians 2024 is upon us and with it comes preparation for the show and performance season! Like all entrepreneur’s with live stock time is essential to planning everything. You travel, you have work, you have deadlines, and last minute bookings. It’s just a lot so why not take some stuff off your plate and schedule your marketing session early?

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Equestrians Now is the Time to Book!

Equestrians Now is the Time to Book!

Equestrians 2024 horse show season is almost upon us! Like all entrepreneur’s with live stock time is essential to planning everything. You travel, you have work, you have deadlines, and last minute bookings. It’s just a lot so why not take some stuff off your plate and schedule your equine portrait or marketing sessions early?

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Take Photos on Your iPhone like a Pro

Take Photos on Your iPhone like a Pro

As a photographer we are expected and usually visualized as carting around a large body, bag with lens, among the tripods and flashes that help make the magic. However there is a subset that uses smaller technology or those like me who when out and about on a regular non-working day use smaller devices for fun and ease…

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iPhone Photography Like a Pro

iPhone Photography Like a Pro

As a photographer we are expected and usually visualized as carting around a large body, bag with lens, among the tripods and flashes that help make the magic. However, there is a subset that uses smaller technology, or those like me who when out and about on a regular non-working day use smaller devices for fun and ease…

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Equestrians Book Your Marketing Sessions Now!

Equestrians Book Your Marketing Sessions Now!

Equestrians 2020 is almost upon us and with it comes preparation for the show and performance season! Like all entrepreneur’s with live stock time is essential to planning everything. You travel, you have work, you have deadlines, and last minute bookings. It’s just a lot so why not take some stuff off your plate and schedule your marketing session early?

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Boudoir Photography Packages

Boudoir Photography Packages

A few years back my sister came to me and wanted to do a boudoir shoot. I had never done one before but as a photographer the one thing I am is willing to try any genre once. What I didn’t know is that I would absolutely love the creativity of the photos, of working in a tiny bedroom, of women loving themselves so much they want to capture that beautiful feeling and bring me in as the means.

These are empowering shoots and I have enjoyed working with the many women who have trusted me to capture intimate shots for them to enjoy or for them to gift to their partners. It inspired me and became something I wanted to do more of and so multiple boudoir packages were born.

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