Always remember the heroes, who did ordinary things, at extraordinary times, so others may live.
— Joseph Pfeifer, Ordinary Heroes: A Memoir of 9/11
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“Always remember the heroes, who did ordinary things, at extraordinary times, so others may live.”
Always remember the heroes, who did ordinary things, at extraordinary times, so others may live.
— Joseph Pfeifer, Ordinary Heroes: A Memoir of 9/11
Read MoreOne of my last rodeo seasons the main rodeo company I photographed at brought in an Equestrian Drill Team to perform during their events. It was my first time seeing a drill performance and it was visual fun to watch and photograph.
Read MoreWe set aside a day to honor our fallen, we have set aside days to honor our veterans, we honor our men and women who are actively protecting us, they deserve more than a day, we have freedom only because of the sacrifices made for us.
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