Sometimes You Need to Create

As a photographer I am always creating, as a freelance photographer I typically adhere to the clients vision of what they want. So sometimes I just need to create something that speaks, for me, to others, for everyone. 

The original intent of a series of photographs I took was marketing for a trick riders roman riding team who will be performing with a fire jump as a stunt. Of course the marketing images were going to be geared to that and that are pretty great. However the first photograph of him and his team jumping was undeniably my favorite, it spoke to me, it demanded something special- at that time I didn't know what, two nearly three weeks later I figured it out.

Keep Faith

From where it was as the original to where it is now. It speaks volumes to me and to my friend who captioned it with a quote personal to him.

Faith is like wifi, you can’t see it or touch it but... IT WORKS. Keep faith and just believe in yourself. ... then your enemies will be defeated by default.
— Shadow Montag


The original image used for the above image entitled "Keep Faith"

Get the photoshop action that helped create the above look!