End of Year Booking Special

2017 is just three weeks away.  

Times seems to be flying by, back in August I started the journey to relaunching TB Photography as Exposure One Studios, and if you are reading this then you have stay on for the journey. 

Not everything is complete for the official relaunch but that doesn't mean booking has no commenced, that deals are not to be had, deals that I decided upon when I made this leap to a new name, a new delivery method, a new look, and a new idea. My goal is still to serve customers in the best way possible, to take meaningful and lasting images. 

And while I know the weather is getting colder, the scenery has changed for winter, it is not to late to take advantage of my end of year booking special. 

Your Dream Shoot package, shot at your choice location, cell phone gallery app, online gallery, full digital downloads with print release, for $150.

To Book contact using the form below!