Why I Am Still Doing 3 Blog Posts A Week

So here’s the thing in January of 2022 I set a goal to do 3 blog posts a week for a total of 156 post for the year. Which is a crazy goal when I struggle for content ideas and honestly do this all myself and sometimes finding the time is hard. But I did it and there’s a decent reason I want to keep going….

Traffic boost to my website.

I have an app that has been tracking the differences between traffic flows with less and with more. Three post a week keeps fresh content live on my website and for as much as I tolerate social media I am aiming to make my website more meaningful than social pages for my business.

In 2022 my page visits grew by 219% and my RSS subscribers grew by 540%. Those are great numbers and I would love to go beyond them but I also know to do that I would have to add additional content days and by myself I just can’t. Perhaps one day I will look into guest writers but for now I am going to see how well I can maintain 156 posts a year.