Using Talents to Help Talented Friends

One of my greatest joys as a photographer has always been using my talents to help others. Sometimes that had been in the form of capturing a Wish Enhancement for the Make A Wish Foundation, sometimes in creating a phonebook of memories of a love one gone, and other times in help professional friends in their own work by making images to help them out.

Recently, my friend who happens to be a reporter for her Hometown paper asked me to tag-a-long to a few events with her. Not because she wanted me to take photos but more for the company. I chose to bring my camera and make a few images at the first, and far more at the second!

It is always fun to see the work you create help someone and have a second life, in truth most are cool images but for me I had no real need for them, however her my friend her paper did have a need for them and she was able to give them a purpose.

Check out her article in relation to the photographs I took of the Bowerston Fire Departments New Addition!