The Watermark Debate

Photographers for years have been trying to find ways to protect their work from theft. From calling thieves out on social media, having theft walls where they list known photo thieves, and of course watermarking the crap out of their images to deter the would be takers.

Honestly in the decade I have been working as a photographer I have tried just about everything to deter theft. How do I feel about watermarks? They have a use.

I do use watermarks, on images I give away say when I shoot an event pro bono then those are watermarked smaller and in a corner. I use a watermark on event photos where I earn through sales, large and in the center to deter theft. Here’s the thing people who are going to steal do not care about how big a watermark is or inconvenient they just take it.

Some days I stand on its going to happen at least my business logo can be seen. Other days I make an example— usually in cases of someone stealing my photos to use to market their own services and business. I hate calling people out, I hate having to deal with image theft. I hate having to watermark images.

But that being said I do not watermark images that are purchased and used with the correct licenses. So where do I stand on watermark or don’t? Somewhere in between, I find it does prevent most people from stealing from my galleries, but not everyone. I hate doing it so to lower the rate I’d have too I moved from having albums on social media, my business relies strictly on galleries where my sales are driven from.

I found posting all the images from events on social media to make them to easy to just take without purchase. The gallery prevents that to a degree.

So I say do what feels right to you. If it is watermarking and sharing on social media then do it. If it is not watermarking and hoping most people are honest then do that. Just find your method, what helps you work to your best and do it.