
Find Yourself an Artist that Includes the Kids

Find Yourself an Artist that Includes the Kids

One of the greats things about Studio 3 Tattoo in Washington, PA and Nolan (our artist) is that he not only is chill with kids but chats with them and includes them… via sharpie tattoos.

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New Tattoo

New Tattoo

Back in April my sister, her husband and I took a little trip and each got new Tattoos. As an artist I am practically incapable of sitting there and not documenting the process so there are pictures and short video clips.

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When A Dream Turns into a Nightmare

When A Dream Turns into a Nightmare

I thought it was a dream position too. At least until after hiring a good friend and former co-worker who is an extremely hard worker and very competent things took an unexpected turn for us. Discrimination roared its ugly head.

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