
Discovering Who I Am as a Photographer

Discovering Who I Am as a Photographer

In a burst of randomness and a desire to travel and study abroad, I applied for a program called Semester at Sea. One of my high school national honors societies was giving away a scholarship to a student accepted into the program

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Discovering Who I Am As A Photographer

Discovering Who I Am As A Photographer

In a burst of randomness and desire to travel and study abroad I applied for a program called Semester at Sea. One of my high school national honors societies was giving away a scholarship to a student accepted on the program so I was in a frame of why not, I’d get to go abroad and if selected for the scholarship I would have help paying for it. 

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Discovering Myself as a Photographer

Discovering Myself as a Photographer

In a burst of randomness and a desire to travel and study abroad, I applied for a program called Semester at Sea. One of my high school national honors societies was giving away a scholarship to a student accepted into the program

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Discovering Myself as a Photographer

Discovering Myself as a Photographer

In a burst of randomness and desire to travel and study abroad I applied for a program called Semester at Sea. One of my high school national honors societies was giving away a scholarship to a student accepted into the program

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Discovering Myself as a Photographer and Finding the NAME

Discovering Myself as a Photographer and Finding the NAME

In a burst of randomness and desire to travel and study abroad I applied for a program called Semester at Sea. One of my high school national honors societies was giving away a scholarship to a student accepted on the program

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The Journey to Becoming Exposure One Studios

The Journey to Becoming Exposure One Studios

As a childly earliest memory is laying on my grandparents living room floor with orange shag carpet, is to late evening the tv plays cartoons as my parents and grandparents sit around the shiny wood dining room table cards in their hands, drinks to the side and the smell of my paps cigar smoke in the air. 

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