ohio photorgapher

Belmont County Fair Rabbit Show

Belmont County Fair Rabbit Show

Because I like to be fair when photographing while photographing my nieces 4h shows I also photographed all the other kids present.

Check out images shared on my tiktok of the rabbit show.

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Belmont County Fair Poultry Show

Belmont County Fair Poultry Show

Because I like to be fair when photographing while photographing my nieces 4h shows I also photographed all the other kids present.

Check out images shared on my tiktok of the poultry show.

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Generative Fill Complete Image

Generative Fill Complete Image

I have seen a lot of cool videos of people playing with Adobe Beta generative fill feature and I decided I wanted to see more of what it could do. So I decided to make an image entirely using generative fill.

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