Pittsbugh Zoo and Aquarium

It has been many, many years since I last visited the Pittsburgh Zoo. I believe the last time was when I was in college my freshman year in downtown Pittsburgh but I am honestly not even 100% sure— nor do I like the idea of admitting just how long ago that really was when it feels like maybe 4 years.

Anyways usually when we visit a zoo we head toward Columbus because it is larger and there’s a lot you can do for interaction. This time however we had free tickets for signing up to receive the news paper— it was a special promotion they were running.

So off to Pitt we went, arriving just in time for the opening hoping to see the majority before the humidity tried to take us out. Ever the photographer of course my camera was attached and in hand. Pittsburgh Zoo is fairly difficult to photograph- all angles and scratched glass.

Check out a few of my favorite photos below.