Pet Peeve

We are all aware of what Tiktok is at this point so I am going to skip elaborating on that and go straight my pet peeve. On that app there are so many people giving advice on how to take amazing pictures or self portraits using different setting on their iPhones.

Inherently, there is nothing wrong with offering advice and tips to others. That isn’t what bothers me. It’s the fact that these influencers are disingenuous and do not offer information on how they edited the images for final effect. Because that is the simple truth even cell phone images undergo editing to buffer out those small flaws.

I know because all this advice these influencers give are tricks I use or have used. But I also know my final images underwent a deeper editing than can be accomplished with the phones camera/edit feature. And it isn’t that hard to add a disclaimer that final images were accomplished with editing aids.

That’s all just wanted to vent my annoyance of these videos.