My Inspiration

For many considering hiring a photographer one thing to consider is where their photographer of choice derives their inspiration from. The 'What' that makes that particular photographer want to  crawl out of bed every day, grab their camera and go shoot something, or someone. Every photographer finds inspiration in different aspects in life, I do as well.

I shoot a lot of variety, my personal shooting is namely my own pets, my niece, and nature. What I enjoy about those very things is that I get to capture fond memories and my pets who are super adorable and totally photogenic make a challenge out of it every time. (So does my niece for that matter.)

My niece and her first pony named Sea Horse.

My niece and her first pony named Sea Horse.

Accio Phoenix-- My one year old mini Aussie. 

Me and Accio Phoenix-- My six year old mini Aussie. 

But in my professional shooting my inspiration is vastly different. I am not just looking for the moment, I am not just inspired by the idea of the shoot. Lets be honest after so many family shoots, or engagements being inspired just by what the shoot is, is difficult. So I have to let my creative self find that wow moment-- usually what really inspires me during a shoot is the environment and lighting and how it interacts with my client.

But more than the environment and the natural lighting is creating a story in my mind, or having the couple tell me about themselves and their story to incorporate it into their photographs. Photography is meant to Be Personal! Including everyones unique story is what the medium came about, and no one wants generic images that everyone has.

The art of finding and creating images unique to my clients, of working with natural lighting, and the environment make photography exceptionally fun and is my biggest inspiration. 

Tennessee Model Shoot 2016-- We had a lot of sunlight and the shade produced by the tree inspired me, I wanted my models to find the light through the shade of the tree. 

Tennessee Model Shoot 2016-- We had a lot of sunlight and the shade produced by the tree inspired me, I wanted my models to find the light through the shade of the tree. 

A highway landscape. I loved the play of light, the sky and the vibrancy.

A highway landscape. I loved the play of light, the sky and the vibrancy.

Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.
— George Eastman