Late Start To My Photography Year

Usually by April my contracts are filling up and event dates are posted and prepped. But this year is happening on a different schedule and not just because it seems like everyone is running behind but because of Mother Nature.

Yep that’s right, as a most equine photographer and event photographer a lot of my job is dependent on Mother Nature. Usually the winter months are my slow season but as a photographer I have to be adaptable. This year winter wasn’t exactly bad but it wasn’t photographic either so a lot of my waitlist clients still there (very hard to do snow shoots when we got no snow).

But this end of winter into spring weather has been insane, fraught with severe storms, flooding, mud slides, so so so much rain, and tornados everywhere the opportunity for work isn’t as great as I would like. Even a lot of events canceled with potential fall reschedule dates or just canceled to try again next year.

It makes it tough as a photographer because we live and breath by contracts we execute and the down months can really take a toll beyond the financial. However dates are coming out for summer and while I may have little work from winter into spring I am hoping my summer looks up!

(Also any couples wanting to do a shoot in Hocking Hills— Please Reach Out, I’d love to do more shots like the one below!!!)