Fallen Hero

"Beside his grave old glory waved,

For his country his life he gave,

Staring at his name etched in stone,

He gave all and is not alone,

Looking up all I could see,

Were sacrifices made for you and me,

Tears of sorrow rolled down my face,

What I would give to take his place,

Hard to express my feelings inside,

Empty and helpless most of all pride,

We mourn our loss and our souls grieve,

He fought and died for what he believed,

Our flag will fly our anthem will play,

Never taking for granted our freedom today,

Priceless are the memories of our time together,

The difference he made will last forever,

I took my wife's hand and we walked away,

We buried our son a fallen hero today."

Fallen Hero by Paul Kimpton

We set aside a day to honor our fallen, we have set aside days to honor our veterans, we honor our men and women who are actively protecting us, they deserve more than a day, we have freedom only because of the sacrifices made for us.

Remember Always.