Difference between Lightroom and Photoshop

Anyone who knows me as a photographer knows that Photoshop is my tool for editing with bridge being my organizational program of choice over Lightroom. So many photographers I know absolutely love Lightroom and like it has its perks but it isn’t nearly as powerful as photoshop. So what is the different between the two programs?

So first any serious photographer is going to be using some kind of editing program and that is because they are going to be shooting in a format that isn’t viewable until it has been run through a post processing application.

Lightroom is a great organizational tool that allows for photo editing without compromising the original image which is awesome. Another perk of Lightroom is it is exceptionally easy to learn and use which is why is it a very popular tool amongst photographer. Another feature of Lightroom is you can work directly with RAW files in it where you can not with photoshop.

Photoshop is a much harder program to use, but does everything and even more than Lightroom. It gives you the ability to use 3d, various filters and applications, even videos.Down side to photoshop is that it doesn’t organize images and you have to run RAW images through the RAW editor before pulling them up in the program which is where adobe bridge comes in as my handy photoshop helping tool. Photoshop is the Ferrari of photo editing software but for those photographers not needing more than simple features it may feel daunting which is why so many use Lightroom.

I can go on to compare the features and teach you how to use photoshop but it would take days, years even. There are hundreds maybe thousands of videos and tutorials on YouTube teaching you how to use photoshop. My preference to photoshop is simply that it was the first programs I was taught to use and as I have grown I do design and animated images so photoshop beats Lightroom for me.

Whichever program you go with know there isn’t huge differences between the programs just their ease and ability use. Both can be learned just don’t get discouraged.