Buy Art. Support Artists.

For a couple years I have been slowly adding photos I really like or designs I have made to a popular print on demand art market place for cool merchandise as thing for fun. Honestly, I have done little in the way of talking about, hyping it to my own social media followers or the like. I mean I just hated the idea of being like ‘I am a photographer and my photos and designs are cool enough to wear, buy from me?!’

Now I know it isn’t truly like that but I have always just been laid back that if they are interested and want my work they will buy it without me pleading. I am same mindset for page likes and instagram follows. But that doesn’t really work in a merchandising setting, so I started dropping a link or a blog post. And there was some success with out feeling so pushy pushy.

A lot of my sales came from Europe which was cool and surprising to me at first. The more I understand the products the more I see they meet the lifestyle of Europeans more than Americans which is cool. I also recognize my content is very different from fine artists and such, I work with photos and occasionally will add a graphic design. It isn’t for everyone, some have even smaller audiences and that’s cool too. It just feels awesome to see the displayed images of what my work would look like on merchandise.

And then I got locked out of my account, I had no access and when I contacted the company they couldn’t find a record of my store front password and email so I had to start all over again. Ironically the old store front still exists and can be purchased from I just can’t update the content or designs onto new products like face masks.

So I have been slowly adding content to the new store front. Even with months off because of the global health crisis I haven’t I have been slow to produce. Creativity for me comes from happy and I went into a deeply depressed place.

As we reopen and start to find a new normal I hope to pull out of that depression and create and find my business again. So above I present to you the link to my new store, feel free to share, browse and support if you choose. Below the link to my old store front.

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy. Stay Six Feet Apart.