20 Rules Photographers Should Know

If you spend enough time doing anything you will unconsciously develop a set of rules you live by. Photography is no different.

I have been a photographer for thirteen years and here are some of the rules I have or think about a lot anyways.

  1. Glass before camera bodies.

  2. Camera mastery over new gear.

  3. Do not work for free.

  4. It isn’t the camera it’s the person holding it.

  5. The best camera is the one that is with you.

  6. Competition judges are not your potential clients.

  7. Competitions are fun way to see how your work compares in the art world, but placements are based on judges taste so always take it with a grain of salt.

  8. Clients have different taste than professional photographers.

  9. Get it right in camera.

  10. We will make mistakes— we are human.

  11. Go easy on photoshop.

  12. Don’t remove objects from photos… especially for competitions or if your a photojournalist.

  13. Getting upset a new/cheaper photographers is a waste of time… everyone starts somewhere.

  14. Many pros shoot in aperture priority or use other settings… they don’t live in manual mode regardless of what they claim.

  15. Every photographer in history has done post production.

  16. Everyone struggles to find their style… its part of the process.

  17. Learn to take critique.

  18. Get closer to your subjects.

  19. You will nearly always be unhappy with your work from years ago… you have grown.

  20. Ultimately you are the only one you have to satisfy with your photography.