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Writing a Book

I have been in the writing stage of my book for awhile now and I have finally finished the first draft. But if you are not aware writing is very difficult, and takes a lot of brain power, editing and revision are next— wish me luck.

I was honestly surprised by the actual difficulty of writing beyond 20,000 words during this process and want to commend those who write multiple books a year— I truly have no idea how you do it.

So what inspired me to writing a book?

I wish I could say it was because it was time but I think my subconscious was a driving force behind this current project. A lot of my work is driven by very vivid dreams— not Stephanie Meyer had a dream and wrote Twilight. But rather dreams of the cover, dreams of art, or in a lot of cases related to photoshoots is dreams of the images I wanted to create. And that’s how this adventure started with a book cover dream, that was quickly followed with a dream of the title.

I decided to pursue the images my subconscious was forcing to light during my sleeping hours and set to work creating the photos, it took several drafts before I finally created the one. And then I had too honor the purpose of the image and thus began the multi- year project — as it’s a memoir I found writing my thoughts and stories down prior to starting the writing process to be essential rather than just sitting with a blank document begging the words to come. It wasn’t a fast process filling a notebook with thoughts and stories relevant to what I was considering writing, but it was beyond helpful as I started taking those pages and forming them into the book they are slated to become.

At this stage I just completed the last two written chapters for completion of the rough draft and I am about ready to head into the editing phase. Of course a micro part of me envies the authors of the world who have an agent, publisher, and editor because I bet that makes that part of the process so much easier.

I would like to say this book could be ready end of this year but I struggle with the idea of making promises since I am acting as the all out author, publisher, editor, and designer. I am basically running the ship and plan to self publish because it affords me a lot more control, so I am definitely going to see my vision realized with out a team of people trying to change it. PLUS

Wearing all the hats means this process is super slow, so get excited because I am done with the first draft and stay tuned for more sneak peaks and updates as I go.