Exposure One Studios

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Winter Portrait

As a photographer being up front of the camera is difficult for me. I generally like to be the creator, and I do all my own portrait work because why hire someone when technology allows me to do most of what I want except perhaps big life moments— If I ever got married I am hiring a photographer, but anything else I probably got.

A lot of my self portraits I prefer to set up the camera and really put that effort in. But some times selfies are just fun and while we see an over abundance of selfies all the time you probably see far less from photographers because even our selfies have to be pretty damn good to see the light of day. We Do Not Settle for mediocre.

So enjoy a winter selfie… actually a Christmas Day 2020 selfie as I braved the snow to play Santa and deliver the grandparents presents.

Fun part was being a passenger and waiting for the lighting to hit right as we drove 70 mph because that just makes it much more fun.

Have fun, take selfies and photograph on!