Exposure One Studios

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Winter Equine Photos

After taking 2022 off I came into 2023 with plans. I can not articulate whether I want them to be big plans or not but I do have ideas for what I would like to accomplish for the year. And most of that is finding myself as a photographer and going back to things that I got away from in 2020.

To kick the year off I started by entering a few images into some competitions something I haven’t done since the end of 2019 but have always enjoyed because it allows me to gauge my skill level against others around the country and globe. Another thing I wanted to do was get back to spending time outdoors and with horses making images so I have been planning out offerings for my equine clients and rolling back services I do not necessarily enjoy.

In January a friend who lives basically on the other side of Ohio contacted me about taking some winter photos of her and her horses. She wanted the ever-elusive snow photos which is a common ask but have been a struggle the last couple of years due to the lack of snow. But there was luck to be had, where she is located got a few inches of snow, and off I was to capture her ponies.

Winter photos are always fun because they are different from the normal. They involve photographing a very white subject matter and sometimes that snowfall is active and makes it slightly more complicated because you can not predict how it will go or look.

Check out a few of my favorite snow images from her session.