Exposure One Studios

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Why Rodeo Photography Makes you a Better Photographer

Finally, why I believe Rodeo Photography can make you a better photographer. 

I have practiced in many different genre’s looking for my niche and yes, for a time it is safe to say Rodeo is one of my niches. I threw myself into the challenge of learning it and becoming as good at it as I possibly could be. It held my heart for many years and only now, a decade later, am I ready to start tackling something new, something that will bring the same high as rodeo did.

Rodeo encompasses everything; portraiture, action, family, sport, day light and low light photography. People, animals, and commercial work, graphic design and so much more. It’s an American tradition and a summation of Western Culture. There isn’t much you can not find in this genre, it really can be that all around you are looking for and it will test you every step of the way.

The truth is if you want a challenge every time you take the camera out then Rodeo is for you.