Exposure One Studios

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Veterans and First Responders Jamboree 2022

This year a good friend of mine became a reporter for the Harrison News-Herald and has started to keep me informed of fun events and happenings around her county. Since she has started she has invited me to tag along on assignments with her and bring my camera.

It has been an absolute blast to get out and enjoy some community activities and leisurely take some images. Images that aren’t going to be wasted on just being for me. The last event she invited me to was a full day one for veterans and first responders— Veterans and First Responders Jamboree.

This was the second year for the event, which had speakers, a parade, 5k run/walk, car show, and live music. There was a lot happening and over all it made my spastic photography brain go oh runners, look cop, oh car! For a minute it felt like getting good shots was going to be a struggle because so much was seemingly happening at once, but eventually I was able to shrug that worry because whatever shots I got were just what I got.

I was there on my time, yes I was taking shots for my reporter friend to use, but at the end of the day I was really just out with the camera learning how to photograph a car show and see what kind of images I could create on the fly.

Check out a few blew and a link to the full gallery!