Exposure One Studios

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Trying Affiliate Marketing

So weeks ago after a deep fall into TikTok I somehow ended up in affiliate marketing and became curious. I hate spamming people but I love a lot of products photography related and when I talk about them it be cool to post links to them.

I was curious and kinda want to give the affiliate marketing thing a whirl. So I have applied in a few places and am still waiting to hear back. However Amazon is giving me a trial run.

So spoiler if you purchase from a link in this post I will get paid. You are not obligated to and I am not a representative of Amazon.

See this content in the original post

I am a Canon photographer and I love all my bodies but my newest holds my heart at the moment. I purchased the Canon 80D nearly six years ago and it soon became my main shooting body with my former Rebel T3i becoming a backup.

Formerly I was an Olympus shooter but a competition brought the Canon camera into my life and I decided to embrace it and stay.

The Canon model is very user friendly, while their cameras have a lot of features and do remarkable jobs it is universally easy to learn. And once you do you can hop the models and use them with little struggle. I do not shoot full frame which is because of the glass I currently own. As photographers camera bodies are important but the glass is more so, I choose to invest in my glass over a new body every few years.

And that is why my 80D is nearly six years old, with probably coming on one hundred thousand photos shot with it. It is a trooper of a camera, performs fantastically in low light, has large files in RAW formatting, and has taken the brunt of dust, dirt, rain, and weather conditions to produce some amazing photos.

I could sing its praises for hours but I hope if you are in the market for a camera you will consider this model.