Exposure One Studios

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Throwback to a Rodeo Wreck

In the Rodeo world when an accident occurs we call it a wreck. A wreck can involve a rodeo competitor or a rodeo performer or a performing animal. Wrecks can be tragic, they can be amusing, and they are common.

Rodeo is a sport that involves animals with a passion for their jobs but a brain of their own. They can and will make choices that can be unpredictable. From running in a direction that is unexpected to flipping themselves over, anything can and will happen in Rodeo.

Toward the end of my rodeo photography career I struggled with capturing the pure perfect moments of rodeos and enjoyed the wrecks and unexpected for the different and unique images it made. Perhaps because of those images I captured none of the wrecks resulted in severe injury or loss of life which I am thankful for.

One was pretty severe but the competitor made a full recovery and actually was happy with the image I had of their wreck. As a reminder, as proof— that they did indeed ride a bronc and had a career ending wreck.

Like all sports things happen and rodeo is no different. The difference is perhaps the sport involves a lot of brains in the arena and a lot of unexpected movements and outcomes.