Exposure One Studios

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The Update

This isn’t an ordinary update with the wow this has been happing in my life type thing. Nope, this is the THE UPDATE.

The update your entire business system and get with the times update.

I have been a photographer for a decade. I have been using the same laptop I was gifted in high school that traveled to college with me, that has traveled the world with me, and that has all my photography editing programs as well as the numerous actions created and used over the years to speed up my workflow. I also owned these programs and wasn’t subjected to a subscription based model.

I was tightly holding on to my outdated editing programs, my old computer that was slow, subject to crashing, and not up to date enough to even read my current camera system. Honestly, my work arounds and procrastination about updating my business model, my computer, my programs to get with it was adding time to my editing that was just vastly unnecessary.

So I bit the bullet and I ordered a desk top with the bells and whistles, I subscribed to Adobe CC, I transferred all my paint brushes, actions, and fonts over and then spent a grueling day figuring out how to use my programs that have updates.

Let me tell you once I figured out the changes in my programs I was so very mad at myself for waiting. I have spent years working harder and not smarter. Things that took minutes can be done in seconds now. My computer and my software can read my camera files in RAW format again (this hasn’t been a thing for me in 6 years?)

If you are on the fence about updating and the subscription. Do it. Don’t wait. Don’t be me. Work smarter not harder.