Exposure One Studios

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Hardest Thing as a Entrepreneur

So when I woke up today… November 6th for all of us reading because sadly I do work on my blog posts in advance! So when I woke on November 6th it was with the intent to overhaul a lot of my website information, social media information, and so on. I did get through a lot of what I wanted to do such as transparent pricing!

Ok so transparent pricing is listing my prices for various packages on my website. For several years I didn’t in order to gain inquiries but as I have grown I like my clients want to know what price range the professional I am looking at charges because I don’t want to insult them or waste their time. So it made sense to list my prices on my website, hopefully, this becomes a good thing right? Fingers crossed!

But beyond that, I was updating my LinkedIn profile more specifically the summary section which is all about selling yourself. I truly hate selling myself and as a business owner, a creative, a photographer everything I do in a way is to sell myself and work. But so often I want my work to speak for itself and draw people in and the truth is it only does part of the work, I have to do the rest.

The sad but true reality for half of me is that I am introverted and just hate to be that annoying person. Dislike it though I may I did suck it up and write a new summary which I am proud of, it highlights who I am and how my journey began.

Take a read!