Exposure One Studios

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The Final Sneak Peek

I can’t believe that a year has gone by and I am on the final sneak peek of my book which I will be releasing In January or February 2022!!

I am still in disbelief that I am in the final stages of preparation for release and that what started as a mere picture of a cover in my head and a few journal writings has become something so substantial. I am truly in awe of this entire process because it hasn’t been easy. I have a new and profound respect to writers as a reader I love what they do but now I do not just love it, i respect how truly challenging and mentally draining it can be.

With that being said my final chapter doesn’t really end my story because I have so much more to shoot, to do, and to live. But at some point in writing you have to wrap things up and I wanted Chapter 12 to deal with the unplanned moments in life, the wondrous joy of taking chances, and leaping into the unknown.

Enjoy your sneak peek below which is a glimpse into one of the coolest unplanned shoots of my life.

Terry Evanswood 2018

My excerpt doesn’t flow into the shoot specifics but I was invited to photography Terry Evanswood in 2018 and it was enthralling, thrilling, and such an amazing experience. I didn’t go to Tennessee for the purpose of photographing him but I can not imagine a more magical and fulfilling unplanned session. I am deeply humbled Terry allowed me access and the opportunity to capture his amazing talents.

Please stay tuned for more information on my Memoir; Glass Eyes: A Photographers Journey coming Early 2022