Exposure One Studios

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Sneak Preview Number 1

So you’ve been reading my blog and last week I mentioned the writing project I began in 2020, back in 2020 I made an entire blog post dedicated to the project to make me accountable, to make it real, and most importantly to keep me writing.

So yes, I am currently writing a memoir about my first decade in photography. I am not usually a story teller with words, images are my medium so I needed an accountability post because more often than not this is a project I want to just stop. I mean writing is hard. It is so very hard and I have no idea how those who put out numerous works a year find that motivation. Writing is hard.

Also self doubt makes it fairly hard as well because I am basically unknown by like 99.9% of the world, so who would want to read a memoir about my life??????? A conundrum as my subconscious self is like WE ARE DOING THIS! It drives me in my sleep and guilt trips me when I take too long a break from writing.

So the thinking about who would be interested tripped me up in the beginning and finally I was like well it doesn’t just have to reflect on my life. I am a self made photographer, I have very little in the way of formal training and have learned most of what I do through trial and error. A lot of photographers start in the same way so why not combine the my journey story with things I have learned and picked up??

Now it isn’t a how too book, or an in depth manual because there are so many of those in existence and frankly I am not sure I am able to write something so technical because I have never formally studied photography. I have never sat through classes where they teach photographer math… aperture and ISO. I just learned in the field with the photographs I missed because I didn’t know how to get them.

And that’s what I bring to the table. I never studied at renown schools, I am not of the great well knowns, but I have managed to learn, follow my dream, and create amazing images I only could dream of a decade ago. And as I didn’t have that formal guidance many of those I writing this for may find themselves in the same place I was. So that is what keeps me writing and keeps me from letting my self doubt about a memoir stop me from writing.

The BINDER- This contains the first half of the book… Excuse the terrible cover photo I ran out of ink -\O/-

And the moment you been waiting for in the blog post….. A sneak preview from Chapter 1