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Sneak Peek #10

Another month has gone by and I have made, more and more progress on my book. For those who follow this blog then you have seen that I hired an editor, that the manuscript has come back to me and that I am now in final revisions and laying out the book.

I wish I could say the process gets easier after letting a stranger read, correct, and make suggestions because that was a hurled in itself— not because of the editor but because of my own anxiety about letting it be seen. Honestly the editing process turned out well there were tips given, corrections made, but there wasn’t anything in the way of cuts or tough suggestions.

Going the self-publishing route means I am spending an exorbitant amount of time on the look of the book and that how it lays out, how the cover appear, the text, and all the fun extras is in. my hands. My inner perfectionist has acknowledged there will be mistakes, and we can only do so much but I want to get the first draft as close to perfection as possible for when I order a proof copy.

I currently have half the book layed out and book is sitting at 100 pages. Since I am a photographer sharing photographs is important to me and I have opted to share anywhere from 1-4 per chapter at the end of each chapter. I unfortunately have something over 100,000 photos in my archives so I can not share them all no matter how much I wish I could.