Exposure One Studios

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Self Portrait Update

If there is one thing I am not good at as a photographer it is having my picture taken. I fall into the many categories of my clients— ie I dislike how I look in photos, 90% of portraits don’t seem flattering and it kills my body image in my head when I see “what I look like on camera.” So I definitely, sympathize and relate to my clients! (Also no surprise why I live behind the camera.)

I haven’t updated my professional portraits in two years and so the time came where I needed to do that. But among other things I needed an updated shot to renew my passport — ah, yes, that time too has come. In the truest sense these are headshots, self portraits, as even if I wanted full body I was set up in the space that didn’t allow for it— headshot were difficult!

I did a black and white screen, one continuous light source, self trigger control on the camera. And the results are as follows. BTW blackscreen was a my favorite but I needed white or neutral for passport renewal.