Exposure One Studios

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Purchase Moments of Rodeo Now

If you have been following my blog from the end of February through last weekend then you have gotten to read my entire ebook on Becoming a Better Photographer: How Rodeo Photography Helps.

It was a little treat split up to make reading easier or add anticipation and I may have secretly been struggling with blog post topics! (I admit I’d rather be out photographing than trying to put words to a page a lot of days.) This ebook was an early foray into writing and a teaser before my second photobook Moments of Rodeo Released in May 2019.

As we are nearing the one year annivarsy and release date, I hoped you liked my free ebook enough to want to see more or my Moments of Rodeo following my decade in the field. If so grab your hardback copy now!

Note: It is now available for purchase on Amazon in Hardback and Paperback.