Exposure One Studios

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Playing with a Prism

For Christmas my sister got me a triangular prism for my camera, much like the sphere you can find advertised fairly frequently on Facebook, but not the sphere. I never had much opportunity early into 2020 to mess with the prism because of working the Holiday’s and then co-workers becoming sick to violently ill and in the hospital— with Covid-19 symptoms before it “got to our area”.

Anyways with all of that and then the pandemic getting kicked into full gear, being laid off from my job, fighting to get unemployment ( still waiting on that btw) I wasn’t really in the mood to even touch my camera. In fact I was pretty damn depressed, I had been working hard and was finally getting a big step forward and then I pretty much got knocked back five years I think.

Ok so I am still pretty depressed, still don’t feel like touching my camera, and have little drive for much of anything. But I did make myself charge the camera and pull out the prism and play for a little bit. If only to use a gift from family, it was fun and I got a couple images I love. It is a learning curve, I had no idea how to use the prism effectively and then my models— ahem the dogs— wouldn’t hold still so there was few useable.

Needless to say playing felt great but made me miss the clients and events that have canceled thus far this year. As I sit here typing this more events are still canceling so it’s hard to see where the future of Exposure One Studios is heading.

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy. Stay Six Feet Apart.