Exposure One Studios

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Play Photos Rep Costuming Company

Back in March, I took the camera out for a spur-of-the-moment shoot at Harrison Central’s final performance of Beauty and the Beast. It was fantastic and you could see the work and time spent on the production including the elaborate costuming.

I didn’t really consider that the school rented costumes, truthfully I didn’t think a whole lot about any of the specifics. I was concerned with getting some great shots without knowing how they were staging and choreographing movements of the classic story. Essentially I was shooting blind, this means great photos and a lot of duds but that is par for the course.

I released the gallery of images to the director, students, and their families a few days after their final production. They were well received and I feel good with my final products.

Naturally, I thought everyone who was involved had their photos at least until the owner of the costuming company reached out asking if they could use some of my photos on their websites to display their services.

It is always an honor to be asked. I appreciate it more than I can articulate, especially because it shows respect for me and my profession. I gave permission and am happy to see this company happy and excited about some performance photography of their costuming.

You can see the images they choose on their website. There is a link below.