Exposure One Studios

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Photographing at Shenandoah Valley Riding Club

2020 has been a wild year, not just for me but for so many photographers out there. I have some many friends in the industry unsure where their income is going to come from, facing a plethora of canceled contracts, and uncertainty for their businesses into the future.

In a lot of respects I am lucky, I have been growing my business for a decade, I have created a great network and while yes I am losing contracts and events I, after yes a couple months of moping and generally hating 2020, am getting out there and photographing again. This year brought me back to my roots, back to how I got started, and back to the old struggles.

I have been going back to horse shows and photographing the contestants I do not see in rodeo. I have been at these late night shows in humidity that cools off and brings a damp lens that makes shooting a struggle, to dusty arena’s and surprisingly harsh light. Several have upgraded their lighting from what I recall years ago which is both a blessing and a curse after spending years photographing in bad light I carry lenses for that reason.

At the end of the day Shenandoah was a great fun little evening bringing me dust, the humidity and condensation along with lighting being so much better than I remember. I am immensely grateful for the show participants who have supported me by purchasing especially in such a difficult year both mentally and financially for many.

Check out all the images from Shenandoah Valley Riding Club July 17th Jackpot.

As always Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, and Stay 6 feet Apart.