Exposure One Studios

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Photographer Reality Acknowledged

I recently found an article on FStoppers that linked in a YouTube video of a professional photographer speaking to things beginner photographers do not acknowledge or think about when they are in that honeymoon starting phase.

Deciding to start the adventure in something you love is exciting. That thrill to be your own boss and have no one to answer to is unparalleled at least until that honeymoon phase is over and you are greeted by your first slow period. It is the thoughts of failure that race through our minds when everything dies down and is quiet that has the power to change the course for us.

This video really speaks to the industry and that fear of when that slump comes because it will come. Be it a pandemic, a series of cancellations, or whatever else it will come, because it comes for us all.

I don’t mean to scare anyone starting this journey but it is hard field. An oversaturated field. A field where sometimes no matter how hard you work it isn’t enough. A field where sometimes you are your own worst enemy.

Chase your dreams, but try not to let the hard realties and the stress get you down.