Exposure One Studios

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Photographer Hobbies

Years ago photography used to be my hobby, the very thing I did for fun and not to earn a living. When I started doing it as a profession shooting for myself fell to the wayside, and it became a job. I had to develop different hobbies as a result things I would have time for; such as reading.

I am a very avid reader, I have to be as I have started writing, and publishing my own works this year. When writing my memoir I consumed many, many memoirs and biographies to learn writing styles, formatting, and writing techniques for flow and interest. My reading hobby soon came to aid of my developing writing hobby.

As a child I dreamed of being a writer, as a young adult I could never finish or really get very far writing wise. So I turned to the arts, I learned to draw and paint but even that wasn’t enough and thats when photography entered my life. I love being a photographer, I have a talent for it and a secret part of me wants to develop the talent for being a write. One book is an accomplishment, one that I am pleased with but I am quite curious as to what my next big project will yield.