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Not So Surprising Fact About Me

So as many of you know I wrote a book. I mean that isn’t even a surprise with all the early TikTok marketing I did with it earlier this year. But if you missed all of that and follow this blog there is something that may surprise you…

Or not.

Anyways what you may not know about me is that I am an avid reader. Not like a few books a year but rather hundreds. I read all the genre’s too. Smut, romance, fiction, fantasy and nonfiction.

I mean you might have guessed given I wrote a book, hard to write a book if you haven’t consumed a bunch to learn how it is done.

I am on Goodreads.

Anyways I set reading goals and usually surpass them. Sometimes I remember to write reviews and sometimes I don’t. But if you are a reader feel free to friend me.