Exposure One Studios

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New Stop Shooting-- Column

A fun fact, several years ago I was a photojournalist for my hometown paper and got a taste for journalism. Fast forward a few years and a former colleague of mine got a job with her hometown paper and started bring in me in to help photographically with events and now as a column writer.

Fun part for me is with years and years of blog posting behind me when I struggle with content ideas I can totally revisit old stuff for the paper, especially when I started blogging because it was more personal and a lot less photographer woes, 20 things to know about photography, etc.

So anyways it is also fun to see which old images might make her paper. This last column was a focus on never stop shooting and seeing. Where I talk about a rain day, my dog and creating an image that happened. As well as using a cell phone to create the image that they chose to print.

Check the column and image out below.