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New Ideas Could Mean New Projects

Last month I wrote a blog post about what comes after writing a book— which for me was a post- creative depression that lead to almost a 7 month break not just as a writer but as a photographer. In those months I hardly touched my camera which for the creative professional in me is unheard of, yet I was creatively blank and depressed.

Taking that time off was more than necessary for my mental health and while today I have a handful of fun shoots/ events under my belt they were entirely no pressure and mostly for fun. Taking a year to just exist even if it meant making little to no income in my business was a choice I needed to make to ensure my business survived into the next year. As a photography business owner the business and mostly me and my skill, if I can’t be 100% than the business is really done.

But luckily have have great friends who have found some no pressure ways for me to drag my camera too and shoot if I feel like it. That has helped pull me out of the creative funk I found myself after publishing my memoir. It has also sparked the creative dreamer side again.

The new creative dreaming spark has lead me to start to develop ideas and consider pursuing my next book project or two?

I am torn between wanting to try my hand at fiction and wanting to write a second non-fiction piece that would absolutely shed light and in-depth perspective into my previous place of employment. There is also a large part of me that wants to take that experience and rather than write a non-fiction blend the experience with a fictional narrative.

I am unsure at the present what course of action I will pursue, or if I will start working on a few ideas at once. The blending of the fiction and non-fiction narrative holds a lot of sway but there is an idea I have been sitting on that is pure fiction with a paranormal spin I’d like to see developed as well. Either way I am excited that my mind is waking up and the creative is flowing back into me.

I have no deadline for any of these potential writing projects, but I do know I have time and once/if I start them perhaps they will come to life far sooner than my 2 year memoir!