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My Ultimate Pet Peeve

I am human and as such there are numerous things that I find annoying—there just is. As a business owner however I have probably a few pet peeves, not all are huge more just mild annoyances but there is one that just straight up irritates me.


What do I mean?

As a business owner I am constantly receiving emails and messages from other people with businesses or representing businesses. CONSTANTLY. DAILY. {It feels hourly sometimes.) And that would be fine if they were well thought out emails with accurate information, reflecting the person/companies desires, and had links to research them if I thought they were interesting.







You see the emails usually start with we found you online, or my website, or whatever social media site and they feel their product be a good fit for my business be or that my business would be a good fit for them etc. They then tell me to respond back for more information or with my interest.

Here’s the thing most scams leave out -A BUSINESS NAME- so no name no response I am trashing your email. I am damn proud of my business so I am going to include its name in communications, usually links too because #marketing. It is a huge red flag to me if there is no business name to research associated with a business proposal.

Links to products, websites and services is something that better be included as well because I will not exert myself to leg work— I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME. So if you really want to get my business you have to make it worth my while and easy for me to check you out. Otherwise just don’t send me anything, it will go in the trash.

Accurate information is a must. If you are emailing me about something for your business or wanting to work with mine then you better have a business pitch. I am talking details, tentative deadlines, what you need from me, or what you can do for me, why you think it is relevant, and what I get out of it. Otherwise I don’t care to email you back because you are wasting my time from the minute I OPEN the first email with no information.

Reaching out to me with your business or company is something I do not want to discourage. But do not waste my time. I am evaluating you from the minute I open that initial email. IT IS YOUR ONE SHOT.

Yes, I only give one because after a decade I do not have the time to research and track someone down with something I think might work. And Yes I am aware I am missing great opportunities and things by not doing that.

So to avoid the trash can, craft me information heavy proposals and give me all the details upfront. If I am not interested after that I will still respond usually thanking you for the time and effort you spent with the pitch email. I will also spend time writing my response complete with my reasonings if I decline the offer so I am not just blowing you off.

The more effort you put in, the more effort you will get from me.