Exposure One Studios

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My Latest Obsession

So last week I posted about my Goodreads account and how I am trying to do better with it and actually did in 2022. Well if that didn’t give it away I am a fairly big book nerd. I love reading and have since I was a child, in fact, it is the one consistent thing about me that even my extended family is aware of and still makes off-handed comments if they see me with a book in hand — “You always had a book you was reading when you was a kid, I see nothing has changed.”

I mean a few things have changed, and my taste in literature which has expanded from children’s fiction to encompass literally every genre. I will read medical journals, research findings, and biographies, and then jump right into fantasy, erotica, romance, and fiction without batting an eye.

So you are asking how this is really relevant because this is a photography blog and I have only just started posting about my journey with my own writing in the last two years? Well, as you may be aware I took last year mostly off after publishing my memoir. I took it off for most mental health reasons, the post-creative depression that followed completing my writing project was rough.

If I had pushed myself, in the mindset I ended I would have dissolved my business, washed my hands of years worth of work, and returned to being a hobbyist— there are still times I dream about that anyways because it is mentally exhausting running a business, especially weathering a pandemic, inflation, and what looks to be another crap recession.

But I digress, in my year off I read a lot of books, picked up a part-time position that became a shit show at my local library, and fell in love with a psychological thriller/ dark romance author’s works. She didn’t begin my obsession with books I have always had a habit of buying too many but I had to have hers. Trisha Wolfe— if you are wondering— and be still my heart if you get them from her directly she will sign them which kicked off a new need to own all the autographed things.

So my collection of books has blown up, my shelve space is gone, and books are just stacked everywhere so I eyeball the one bare wall left and imagine it decked out in shelving and then order them hoping like hell that the studs and shelves workout. While the shelving has just arrived and hasn’t been installed I discovered a TikTok artist whose paintings remind me so much of Trisha’s characters and stories that I can imagine one framed behind my Trisha trophies.

Here is the painting I am currently obsessing with and imagining on the shelf I am calling the Trisha shelves. The theme and nature of the image match the theme of Trisha Wolfe’s Hollow Rows series— Lovely Bad Things and Lovely Violent Things. And is fitting for the setting of her stories and the characters Halen and Kallum.

I haven’t quite pulled the trigger and pre-ordered a print of this as I am waiting to get the shelving up to be sure it will fit in the space I am imagining. I am hoping it does but I will be keeping an eye on this artist and her style.