Exposure One Studios

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My First University Photographs

In my career I have been privileged to have the opportunity to photograph a lot of different things. Newborns, political events, animals, families, businesses, sports, and even university and student moments.

It has been a long time since I worked for a university and truthfully when I first did I was a very new photographer who was learning so these old images I found aren’t as crisp, and clean as my preference of today leans toward.

I was a student of Ohio University Eastern and was employed as a student with the media director on campus who knew of my interest in photography and approached me with the marketing director asking if I would take some photos around campus for marketing and updated professor headshots. At the time it was just a fun little project and outlet, I hadn’t yet decided to make photography a career and that wouldn’t come until I was inputting my hours and saw an updated job title of University Photographer.

From the Eastern campus I became connected to the Art Director of Ohio Today’s Magazine (Ohio University’s Alumni Magazine) and hired to go and photograph another branch campus and specific images for the magazine. It was a fun assignment abate lacking in specificity for the most part I was left on my own to figure out on campus shots that the University could use at a later date but it was still enjoyable and a challenge.

Below are sample of images from the Ohio University’s Eastern and Chillicothe Campus from 2013/2015.