Exposure One Studios

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Mommy and Me + Sunflowers

As a photographer over the years I have seen so many wonderful portraits of people taken in sunflower fields. From couples to seniors and I have always wanted to give it a go myself unfortunately the closest fields were hours away so finding the time unless it was a booked and paid session was just hard.

Well a local farm planted a few acres of sunflowers this year and opened them up to the public for a u-pick event. They graciously have allowed locals to come and do pictures as well and I finally got to do my sunflower shoot.

I did a mommy and me with my sister and niece who has wanted to do a session but we just couldn’t come up with the right thing until a few days before the end of August it landed in our laps. And I love the photos, they turned out so well for the problems I was having.

It was a cloudless evening, high bright sun the was something I was shooting directly at because as we know sunflowers grow to the morning sun and we were shooting in the evening. So I had a lot of lens flares, and long dark shadows, softer images than I am use too but in the end it was a challenge that yield such beautiful and fun responses.