Exposure One Studios

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Making A Poster

As my years in photography progressed I saw a need for a graphic designer who worked with photographs as the primary method for creation. However, rather than hire out for this I decided to learn to be that person and grow my business in another direction.

Today I am every bit as much a graphic designer as a photographer, a lot of times I sell the skillsets together in a nice marketing/ advertisement bubble. Around the end of March I attended a friends trick riding clinic where we had partnered to offer a photoshoot and action shoot to create graphic autograph posters for those who choose to opt in.

I have been working like crazy making several posters for each of the participants and an interested mother asked if I would ever teach how to make posters. I am interested but those who aren’t intimately involved in photography you should know it isn’t a couple minutes of work. It’s hours when you’re first learning and then a few hours the better you get.

I can create three or four posters a day to the one that took me multiple days when I first started. I have time savers created to speed the process, I saved old posters in psd files so I can easy access an element I want verse making it again. I have years of work in what I do and use so I am realizing it would be insanely hard for me to try to teach someone when I am under contract.

Perhaps one day I will have the time to do a series of videos for those interested to opt and learn from me but right now enjoy a time lapse that squished a few hours work into several seconds.

Poster above is created entirely from scratch with very few reused elements from past posters. To see all the posters created from that weekend please see earlier blog titled: Final Poster and Graphic Design Rules