Exposure One Studios

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Late Discoveries

As a creator and an artist on of the things I love to do is enter contests. Not with the sole goal of winning but rather as a way to evaluate my work and growth through a panel of judges. Many competitions will provide feedback on your work for an added fee, and sometimes you may get a surprise and place or do better than you anticipated.

As a photographer I do not create work just for the purpose of entering contest, through the natural progression of my shooting each year I may create an image I love enough to enter and some years I never create a photo I find worthy of entry fees.

Back in 2019 I photographed a rose in the rain on my iPhone which hands down is one of my best rose images to date. I loved it enough to want to. give it a shot against the photographers of the world. So I dropped it into some competitions and then went about my life. Problem was I forgot I entered it in comps and never paid attention for results.

Fast-forward to July 2021 and I have another image I want to drop in some competitions. During my research on open comps I find one I entered the red rose into and discover nearly two years later that I received an Honorable Mention in the natures flower category that I entered. So fingers crossed I can beat that honorable mention with a possible placing this year as I enter a purple tulip photograph— yes for some reason flowers seem to be my preference for competitions.

It is never to late to find out how you have done competitively and even with it being so far past I was still excited to learn about this honorable mention. After 2020 it was just a good feeling.

Check out this years entry into the ND Awards below.

Both these flower images are available for print purchase in my gallery titled Art and Special Request in the client galleries tab or @ https://exposureonestudios.shootproof.com .