Exposure One Studios

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Information Gathering

Hi there! So you found a photographer you are interested in hiring but are unsure of the next steps such as finding out what they would charge for the images you want created?

Well; welcome to the blog post from a professional photographer to you, the inquiring client.

First of all I know that approaching a photographer about their services is difficult. The best thing you can do is thoroughly explorer their websites and content. To familiarize yourself with their work to ensure it is a style you are seeking— I shoot journalistic in nature meaning I do not use a bunch of filters or heavily process my images with editing and that may not be the style you are after! Not every photographer will photograph in the style you are seeking and that is fine, from reviewing their work you know that and can seek a photographer more inline with the style you want.

Second, do you as an inquiring client have information regarding the day, type, and location for the session you are seeking?

If you are inquiring of a photographer to make a quote for their services, the photographer is going to require at the very least a bare bones idea what you are looking for. For instance you are getting married and are seeking wedding information on wedding photography costs and prices.

Photographers are going to be excited for you and we love getting these inquiries but we crave information to actually give you a quote. We need to know an idea of budget, what you need specifically— ie do you need engagement photos too? Do you want add-ons? Where you are located? Date? Location? Really anything you can tell us is helpful otherwise we will direct you to our websites to get an idea what we offer.

We never offer a quote without knowing what you are seeking specifically because it could be more than you want and scare you off or we could be under pricing our services initially because we lacked access to all the information we needed.

Third ask what you can expect that day. How long the session will take. Ask if the photographer helps with outfitting dilemmas and what the process is if say the weather goes bad.

If photographers are use to anything it is day of photography problems. Our experience gives us insight so we can help relieve some of your worries but we can’t do that if you don’t ask!

And finally do not be afraid to ask about any contracts, forms, or other paperwork photographers may require. Do not be afraid to ask how you will receive your images, and always, always ask what your rights to use them are.

Photographers contracts are not just designed to protect the photographer, in most cases they are also a guarantee of service and expectations for the client as well. Additional forms can be model releases for the photographer to share the images with your likeness as well and we love it when you let us do that.

Photographers are also going to be more than willing to make sure you understand what rights we are selling you with the prices we are charging. We as the creators own the images and you are commissioning them for specific uses, not all uses, so be sure to get that information upfront as well.

Do not be afraid to ask us questions! Give us as much information as you can! Photographers will talk your ear off about photography and what we do if you give us the opportunity but we struggle when we don’t have enough information to go off.

Happy hiring!